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Selected Publications

  • Hang Lin, Muhammad Hassan Safdar, Sarah Washburn, Saeed S. Akhand, Jonathan Dickerhoff, Mitchell Ayers, Marvis Monteiro, Luis Solorio, Danzhou Yang, Michael K Wendt. Fibroblast growth receptor 1 is regulated by G-quadruplex in metastatic breast cancer. Communications Biology. August 2024. 

  • Aaron C Davis, Madison M Howard, Emmett Z Freeman, Luis Solorio, David J Cappelleri. Mobile Microrobot Grippers for Cell Spheroid Micromanipulation. 2024 International Conference on Manipulation, Automation and Robotics at Small Scales (MARSS). July 2024. 

  • Mazin H Hakim, Melissa C Brindise, Adib Ahmadzadegan, Kevin P Buno, Antonio CF Dos Santos, Kevin R Cragg, Zhongwang Dou, Michael R Ladisch, Arezoo M Ardekani, Pavlos P Vlachos, Luis Solorio. Rose Bengal Labeled Bovine Serum Albumin for Protein Transport Imaging in Subcutaneous Tissues Using Computed Tomography and Fluorescence Microscopy. American Chemical Society. June 2024. 

  • Sheryhan F Gad, Anastasiia Vasiukhina, Joseph S Keller, Luis Solorio, Yoon Yeo.Multidimensional opioid abuse deterrence using a nanoparticle-polymer hybrid formulation. June 2024. 

  • Jacques Barsimantov, Jordanna Payne, Mario de Lucio, Mazin Hakim, Hector Gomez, Luis Solorio, Adrian B Tepole. Poroelastic Characterization and Modeling of Subcutaneous Tissue Under Confined Compression. Annals of Biomedical Engineering. June 2024. 

  • Muhammad Safdar, Hang Lin, Sarah Dagher, Jonathan Dickerhoff, Mitchell Ayers, Luis Solorio, Danzhou Yang, Michael Wendt, Saeed Akhand. Abstract PO2-18-06: Targeting fibroblast growth factor receptor (FGFR1) expression through G-quadruplex stabilization inhibits metastatic breast cancer. Cancer Research. May 2025. 

  • Claudia Benito Alston, Madelyn Chadwick, Saaniya Rupani, Nicanor Moldovan, Clark Barco, Luis Solorio. Enhancing Cell Infiltration and Controlled Growth Factor Release for a Customized 3D-Printed Bone Graft Composite. Journal of Clinical and Translational Science. April 2024. 

  • Bhavani Gopalakrishnan, Uri Galili, Megan Saenger, Noah J Burket, Wendy Koss, Manjari S Lokender, Kaitlyn M Wolfe, Samantha J Husak, Collin J Stark, Luis Solorio, Abigail Cox, August Dunbar, Riyi Shi, Jianming Li. α-gal nanoparticles in CNS trauma: II. immunomodulation following spinal cord injury (SCI) improves functional outcomes. Tissue Engineering and Regenerative Medicine. April 2024. 

  • Bhavani Gopalakrishnan, Uri Galili, August Dunbar, Luis Solorio, Riyi Shi, Jianming Li. α-Gal Nanoparticles in CNS Trauma: I. In Vitro Activation of Microglia Towards a Pro-Healing State. Tissue Engineering and Regenerative Medicine. April 2024. 

  • Sukirt Thakur, Ehsan Esmaili, Sarah Libring, Luis Solorio, Arezoo M Ardekani. Inverse resolution of spatially varying diffusion coefficient using Physics-Informed neural networks. ArXiv. March 2024. 

  • Seokkyoon Hong, Taewoong Park, Junsang Lee, Yuhyun Ji, Julia Walsh, Tianhao Yu, Jae Young Park, Jongcheon Lim, Claudia Benito Alston, Luis Solorio, Hyowon Lee, Young L Kim, Dong Rip Kim, Chi Hwan Lee. Rapid Self-Healing Hydrogel with Ultralow Electrical Hysteresis for Wearable Sensing. ACS Sensors. February 2024. 

  • Jacques Barsimantov Mandel, Luis Solorio, Adrian Buganza Tepole. Geometry of adipocyte packing in subcutaneous tissue contributes to nonlinear tissue properties captured through a Gaussian process surrogate model. Soft Matter. 2024. 

  • Harsa Mitra, Evelyn Marie Nonamaker, Ria Domier Corder, Luis Solorio, Arezoo M Ardekani. Rheological and Lipid Characterization of Minipig and Human Skin Tissue: A Comparative Study Across Different Locations and Depths. BioRxiv, 2024. 

  • Patrick A Giolando, Kelsey Hopkins, Barrett F Davis, Nicole Vike, Adib Ahmadzadegan, Arezoo M Ardekani, Pavlos P Vlachos, Joseph V Rispoli, Luis Solorio, Tamara L Kinzer‐Ursem. Mechanistic Computational Modeling of Implantable, Bioresorbable Drug Release Systems. Advanced Materials. December 2023. 

  • John Toaquiza Tubon, Vivek D Sree, Jordanna Payne, Luis Solorio, Adrian Buganza Tepole. Mechanical damage in porcine dermis: Micro-mechanical model and experimental characterization. Journal of the Mechanical Behavior of Biomedical Materials. November 2023. 

  • Patrick A Giolando, Kelsey Hopkins, Barrett F Davis, Nicole Vike, Adib Ahmadzadegan, Arezoo M Ardekani, Pavlos P Vlachos, Joseph V Rispoli, Luis Solorio, Tamara L Kinzer‐Ursem. Mechanistic Computational Modeling of Implantable, Bioresorbable Drug Release Systems. Advanced Materials. September 2023. 

  • Jessica E Torres, Fanfei Meng, Sayantan Bhattacharya, Kevin P Buno, Adib Ahmadzadegan, Sathvik Madduri, Paulina M Babiak, Pavlos P Vlachos, Luis Solorio, Yoon Yeo, Julie C Liu. Interpenetrating Networks of Collagen and Hyaluronic Acid That Serve as In Vitro Tissue Models for Assessing Macromolecular Transport. Biomacromolecules. August 2023.

  • VD Sree, JD Toaquiza-Tubon, J Payne, L Solorio, AB Tepole. Damage and Fracture Mechanics of Porcine Subcutaneous Tissue Under Tensile Loading. Annals of Biomedical Engineering. May 2023.

  • K Hopkins, E Wakelin, N Romick, J Kennedy, E Simmons, L Solorio. Basic Salt Additives Modulate the Acidic Microenvironment Around In Situ Forming Implants. Annals of Biomedical Engineering. May 2023.

  • Claudia Benito Alston, Cameron Villareal, Nicanor Moldovan, Richard L Roudebush, Clark Barco, Deva Chan, Luis Solorio. 64 Finite Element Analysis of a Porous Dual Component 3D-Printed Bone Graft for Alveolar Ridge Augmentation. Journal of Clinical and Translational Science. April 2023. 

  • Brian H Jun, Adib Ahmadzadegan, Arezoo M Ardekani, Luis Solorio, Pavlos P Vlachos. Multi-feature-based robust cell tracking.  Annals of Biomedical Engineering. March 2023. 

  • Mazin H Hakim, Brian H Jun, Adib Ahmadzadegan, Paulina M Babiak, Qinghua Xu, Kevin P Buno, Julie C Liu, Arezoo M Ardekani, Pavlos P Vlachos, Luis Solorio. Investigation of macromolecular transport through tunable collagen hyaluronic acid matrices. Colloids and Surfaces B: Biointerfaces. February 2023. 

  • Melissa C Brindise, Kevin Buno, Luis Solorio, Pavlos P Vlachos. Automated Layer Identification Method for Skin Tissue Histology Images. Annals of Biomedical Engineering. February 2023. 

  • Jacob Dairaghi, Claudia Benito Alston, Rachel Cadle, Dan Rogozea, Luis Solorio, Clark T Barco, Nicanor I Moldovan. A dual osteoconductive-osteoprotective implantable device for vertical alveolar ridge augmentation. January 2023. 

  • Sree V.D., Tubon J.D.T., Payne J.M., Solorio L., Buganza A.T. Damage and Fracture Mechanics of Porcine Subcutaneous Tissue Under Tensile Loading. Annals of Biomedical Engineering. 2023.


  • Dairaghi J., Alston, C.B., Cadle R., Rogozea D., Solorio L., Barco C.T., Moldovan N.I. A Dual Osteoconductive-Osteoprotective Implantable Device for Vertical Alveolar Ridge Augmentation. Frontiers in Dental Medicine. January 2023. 


  • Hakim M.H., Jun B.H., Ahmadzadegan A., Babiak P.M., Xu Q., Buno K.P., Liu J.C., Ardekani A.M., Vlachos P.P, Solorio L.Investigation of Molecular Transport Through Tunable Collagen Hyaluronic Acid Matrices. Colloids and Surfaces B: Biointerfaces. January 2023 

  • Hopkins K., Wakelin E., Romick N., Kennedy J., Simmons E., Solorio L. Basic Salt Additives Modulate the Acidic Microenvironment Around In Situ Forming Implants. Annals of Biomedical Engineering. 2023.  


  • Brindise, M.C., Buno, K., Solorio, L., Vlachos, P.P. Automated Layer Identification Method for Skin Tissue Histology Images. Annals of Biomedical Engineering. October 2022. 

  • Hopkins, K., Buno, K., Romick, N., Freitas dos Santos, A.C., Tinsley, S., Wakelin, E., Kennedy, J., Ladisch, M., Allen-Petersen, B., Solorio, L. Sustained Degradation of Hyaluronic Acid Using an In Situ Forming Implant. PNAS Nexus. September 2022. 

  • Vasiukhina, A., Gad, S.F., Wellington, E.N., Wilmes, D.M., Yeo, Y., Solorio, L. PLA-PCL Microsphere Formulation to Deter Abuse of Prescription Opioids by Smoking. Journal of Pharmaceutics. September 2022. 

  • Chen, H., Cresswell, G.M., Libring, S., Ayers, M.G., Miao, J., Zhang, Z, Solorio, L., Ratliff, T.L., Wendt, M.K. Tumor-Cell Autonomous SHP2 Contributes to Immune Suppression in Metastatic Breast Cancer. Cancer Research Communications. September 2022. 

  • Shinde, A., Cotul, E.K., Chen, H., Smith, A., Libring, S., Solorio, L., Wendt, M.K. Transglutaminase-2 Mediates Acquisition of Neratinib Resistance in Metastatic Breast Cancer. Molecular Biomedicine. June 2022. 

  • Boodaghi, M.*, Libring, S.*, Solorio, L., Ardekani, A.M. A Bayesian Approach to Estimate the Diffusion Coefficient of Rhodamine 6G in Breast Cancer Spheroids. Journal of Controlled Release. October 2021.

  • Libring, S., Enríquez, Á., Lee, H., Solorio, L. In Vitro Magnetic Techniques for Investigating Cancer Progression. Cancers. September 2021. 

  • Vasiukhina, A., Eshraghi, J., Ahmadzadegan, A., Goergen, C.J., Vlachos, P.P., Solorio, L. Stable Thermally-Modulated Nanodroplet Ultrasound Contrast Agents. Nanomaterials. August 2021. 

  • Xu, Q., Torres, J.E., Hakim, M., Babiak, P.M., Pal, P., Battistoni, C.M., Nhuyen, M., Panitch, A., Solorio, L., Liu, J.C. Collagen- and Hyaluronic Acid-based Hydrogels and their Biomedical Applications. Materials Science and Engineering: R: Reports. August 2021. 

  • Acuna, A., Jimenez, J.M., Deneke, N., Rothenberger, S.M., Libring, S., Solorio, L., Rayz, V.L., Davis, C.S., Calve, S. Design and Validation of Modular Micro-Robotic System for the Mechanical Characterization of Soft Tissues. Acta Biomaterialia. July 2021. 

  • Neale, D.B., Muniz, A.J., Jones, M.S., Kim, D.H., Buschhaus, J.M., Humphries, B.A., Wang, W.Y., Baker, B.M., Raymond, J.E., Solorio, L., Luker, G.D., Lahann, J. Aligned Networks of Engineered Fibrillar Fibronectin Guide Cellular Orientation and Motility. Small Structures. March 2021. 

  • Abdullah, A., Akhand, S.S., Paez, J.S., Brown, W., Pan, L., Libring, S., Badamy, M., Dykuizen, E., Solorio, L., Tao, W.A., Wendt, M.K. Epigenetic Targeting of Neuropilin-1 Prevents Bypass Signaling in Drug-Resistant Breast Cancer. Oncogene. October 2020. 

  • Chen, H., Libring, S., Ruddraraju, K.V., Miao, J., Solorio, L., Zhang, Z., Wendt, M.K. SHP2 is a Mutifunctional Therapeutic Target in Drug Resistant Metastatic Breast Cancer. Oncogene. October 2020. 

  • Enríquez, Á.*, Libring, S.*, Field, T.C., Jimenez, J., Lee, T., Park, H., Satoski, D., Wendt, M.K., Calve, S., Tepole, A.B., Solorio, L., Lee, H. High-Throughput Magnetic Actuation Platform for Evaluating the Effect of Mechanical Force on 3D Tumor Microenvironment. Advanced Functional Materials. September 2020. 

  • Niedert, E.E., Bi, C., Adam, G., Lambert, E., Solorio, L., Goergen, C.J., Cappelleri, D.J. A Tumbling Magnetic Microrobot System for Biomedical Applications. Micromachines. September 2020. 

  • Jun, B.H., Guo, T., Libring, S., Chanda, M.K., Paez, J.S., Shinde, A., Wendt, M.K., Vlachos, P.P., Solorio, L. Fibronectin-Expressing Mesenchymal Tumor Cells Promote Breast Cancer Metastasis. Cancers. September 2020. 

  • Adam, G., Hakim, M., Solorio, L., Cappelleri, D.J. Stiffness Characterization and Micromanipulation for Biomedical Applications using the Vision-based Force-Sensing Magnetic Mobile Microrobot. IEEE International Conference on Manipulation, Automation, and Robotics at Small Scales (MARSS). July 2020.

  • Libring, S.*, Shinde, A.*, Chanda, M.K., Nuru, M., George, H., Saleh, A.M., Abdullah, A., Kinzer-Ursem, T.L., Calve, S., Wendt, M.K., Solorio, L. The Dynamic Relationship of Breast Cancer Cells and Fibroblasts in Fibronectin Accumulation at Primary and Metastatic Tumor Sites. Cancers. May 2020. 

  • Libring, S., Solorio, L. Cancer Mechanobiology: Interaction of Biomaterials with Cancer Cells. Chapter 16 in Biomaterials for Cancer Theapeutics (2nd Edition). pg. 445-470. March 2020.

  • Sinde, A., Paez, J.S., Libring, S., Hopkins, K., Solorio, L., Wendt, M. Transglutaminase-2 Facilitates Extracellular Vesicle-Mediated Establishment of the Metastatic Niche. Oncogenesis. February 2020. 

  • Jordahl, S., Solorio, L., Neale, D.B., McDermott, S., Jordahl, J.H., Fox, A., Dunlay, C., Xiao, A., Brown, M., Wicha, M., Luker, G.D., Lahann, J. Engineered Fibrillar Fibronectin Networks as Three-Dimensional Tissue Scaffolds. Advanced Materials. September 2019.

  • Hopkins, K.A., Vike, N.*, Li, X.*, Kennedy, J., Simmons, E., Rispoli, J., Solorio, L. Noninvasive Characterization of In Situ Forming Implant Diffusivity Using Diffusion-Weighted MRI. Journal of Controlled Release. July 2019. 

  • Bi, C., Niedert, E., Adam, G., Lambert, E., Solorio, L., Goergen, C., Cappelleri, D. Tumbling Magnetic Microrobots for Biomedical Applications. IEEE International Conference on Robotics, Manipulation, and Automation at Small Scales (MARSS). July 2019.

  • Shinde, A., Libring, S., Alpsoy, A., Abdullah, A., Schaber, J., Solorio, L., Wendt, M. Autocrine Fibronectin Inhibits Breast Cancer Metastasis. Molecular Cancer Research. June 2018.

  • Jacob H. Jordahl, Luis Solorio, Hongli Sun, Stacy Ramcharan, Clark B. Teeple, Henry R. Haley, Kyung Jin Lee, Thomas W. Eyster, Gary D. Luker, Paul H Krebsbach, Joerg Lahann. 3D Jet Writing: Functional Microtissues Based on Tessellated Scaffold Architectures. Advanced Materials. February 2018.

Dr. Luis Solorio's full publication list from Google Scholar

* denotes equal contribution

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